Sunday, 31 October 2021

[New post] Learn how our MIND plays tricks on us!

Sheena George posted: " Our thoughts have a great impact on how we feel and how we behave. Everyone falls into cognitive distortions on occasion. It's part of the human experience. This happens particularly when we're feeling down. A cognitive distortion β€” and there a"

[New post] Huawei announces AppsUP 2021 winners for Asia-Pacific

edd1994 posted: " SINGAPORE, Nov. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) officially announced the Asia Pacific winners of the AppsUP 2021, HUAWEI HMS App Innovation Contest. AppsUP is the global mobile app development contest held annually by Huawei, ai"

[New post] The first fully managed MQTT 5.0 cloud service worldwide announces a cheaper payment method

edd1994 posted: " The newly-supported annual package payment will enable EMQ X Cloud users to get high-quality cloud service at a lower cost. HANGZHOU, China, Nov. 1, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- EMQ, the leader of open-source and cloud-native distributed MQTT broker for IoT, rec"

[New post] Flashback: Samsung S8500 Wave, the first phone with Super AMOLED and first with Bada OS

Techie.Buzz posted: " Do you know which was the first phone with a Super AMOLED display? Some of you may have answered "the original Galaxy S", but that is not the case - if you read our story of OLED displays on mobile phones you will know that it was the Samsung S8500 W"

πŸ“š Tade Oyerinde secures $46 million in Series B funding for Campus

Plus: πŸ—žοΈ Yahoo Sells TechCrunch  β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ β€Œ...