ORA-48113 caught while writing to trace file in Oracle


O/S-Error: (OS 112) There is not enough space on the disk.  Writing to the above trace file is disabled for now on...  Non critical error ORA-48113 caught while writing to trace file "E:\ORACLE\diag\rdbms\orcl\orcl\trace\orcl_dbrm_3481.trc"  


Cause was Parameter MAX_DUMP_FILE_SIZE is value set to low.
MAX_DUM_FILE_SIZE in defined the size of trace files.
If size of trace file go beyond the limit specified then it will generate error in alert log file.


We can change the value for trace file size to unlimited.

ALTER SYSTEM SET max_dump_file_size=unlimited;

If we are enabled tracing for particular session then we can also do it at session level.

ALTER SESSION SET max_dump_file_size=unlimited;

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