Check the table which is having missing stats:

SELECT owner, table_name object_name, last_analyzed, stattype_locked, stale_stats  FROM all_tab_statistics  WHERE (last_analyzed IS NULL OR stale_stats = 'YES') and stattype_locked IS NULL and owner = 'HR'  ORDER BY object_type desc, owner, object_name; 

Check the index which is having missing stats:

 SELECT owner, index_name object_name,  last_analyzed, stattype_locked, stale_stats  FROM all_ind_statistics  WHERE (last_analyzed IS NULL OR stale_stats = 'YES') and stattype_locked IS NULL AND owner = 'HR'  ORDER BY object_type desc, owner, object_name;  

Check missing stats for all objects from the database excluding Oracle default user:

SELECT 'TABLE' as object_type ,owner, table_name object_name, last_analyzed, stattype_locked, stale_stats   FROM all_tab_statistics  WHERE (last_analyzed IS NULL OR stale_stats = 'YES') and stattype_locked IS NULL  and owner NOT IN ('ANONYMOUS', 'CTXSYS', 'DBSNMP', 'EXFSYS','LBACSYS','MDSYS','MGMT_VIEW','OLAPSYS','OWBSYS','ORDPLUGINS','ORDSYS','OUTLN','SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA','SYS', 'SYSMAN','SYSTEM','TSMSYS','WK_TEST','WKSYS','WKPROXY','WMSYS','XDB' )  AND owner NOT LIKE 'FLOW%'  UNION ALL  SELECT 'INDEX' as object_type,owner, index_name object_name,  last_analyzed, stattype_locked, stale_stats  FROM all_ind_statistics  WHERE (last_analyzed IS NULL OR stale_stats = 'YES') and stattype_locked IS NULL  AND owner NOT IN ('ANONYMOUS', 'CTXSYS', 'DBSNMP', 'EXFSYS','LBACSYS','MDSYS','MGMT_VIEW','OLAPSYS','OWBSYS','ORDPLUGINS','ORDSYS','OUTLN','SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA','SYS', 'SYSMAN','SYSTEM','TSMSYS','WK_TEST','WKSYS','WKPROXY','WMSYS','XDB' )  AND owner NOT LIKE 'FLOW%'  ORDER BY object_type desc, owner, object_name  /

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