"Every Descent Leads to a Greater Ascent."

Wise words, no?

After spending two tough weeks at 36K, teaching ~20 classes computer programming, I became inspired. Where would the computer programming lead to? Is code.org better than scratch? What about pencilcode, or the Foos? What about doing 3D design with tinkercad, and also photoshop? There was so much potential, and I needed to know what does a whole year of teaching coding actually look like.

It is not enough to just talk the talk - one must also "walk the walk."  So, I have been going back to 36K to teach four classes (3 standard, 1 alternate) once a week, working with the teacher who took over the computer lab after the DOE Covid deployment ended.

So far I have been introducing the students to robotics and code.org, and creating a 3d printing curriculum with the older students.

Stay tuned....