Monday, 4 December 2023

New Year's Resolutions - Time to Stick to Them!

📚 Quote of the Day:

"Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt

We are approaching the end of the year 2023, providing us with a great opportunity for reflection. Has it been a good year, or have there been challenges? What are the highlights and defeats? How did we handle the challenges of the year? Have we remained true to ourselves throughout the year, living up to the person we aspire to be for ourselves and others, or is there room for improvement? Perhaps you set a New Year's resolution; how did that go?

Studies show that around 80% of all New Year's resolutions are not kept. Therefore, I'd like to discuss how we can maintain the good intentions set at the beginning of the year throughout the year. Before delving into that, I encourage you to reflect on your year and consider what your goals for 2024 could be. In the meantime, I'd like to share mine and Emil's thoughts on last year's goals, as well as reveal our goals for 2024.

Emil and I had several goals last year that we wanted to achieve. But when it all boiled down, it was all about cultivating good habits contributing to health, well-being, and productivity. We've always had great success with journaling, but it has never become a regular thing. So, for our New Year's resolution in 2023, we committed to journaling every single day. Our daily journal routine includes gratitude, intentions, tasks, highlights, mood, rating the day, and reflections. After a whole year with this habit, we've achieved exactly what we wanted. We've established a solid morning routine that we start every day with, setting us up well for each day. Similarly, it has provided us with a consistent evening routine, preparing us for a good night's sleep. Moreover, we both experienced that we get more things done and are more productive. We don't succeed every day with the tasks we set, but by writing them down, there is much less procrastination, as they are not allowed to be forgotten.

Our New Year's resolution for 2024…

So, what should our New Year's resolution look like this year? At the beginning of the year, we will receive life's greatest gift, a little daughter who will enrich our lives with lots of love and teach us much more than we know now. But we also know that this can be a significant challenge in terms of our daily routines and the many good intentions and habits we have built up. The thing is; we don't believe in excuses, and she will not and can not be our excuse for not taking care of ourselves, our health, and for not achieving the dreams we have. We are the only ones who can put a stop to that. Therefore, we have decided that our New Year's resolution for 2024 is to continue the good routine morning and evening and continue daily journaling. Additionally, we also want to design and produce our very own and unique journal so that we can share what we believe has been a huge success for us with all of you. If we can accomplish this, I dare say that anyone can. No excuses.

Together, let's aim to break the statistics, be accountable for achieving the goals we set, and reach what we desire most—there's only ourselves standing in the way, so let's not allow that to happen.

Stay tuned for Thursday when we will provide you with a guide on how to set your goals and increase the success rate of sticking to them.

Warm regards,

Stine Larsen
Daily Direction

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